In-depth analysis of modal choice and travel behaviour in, to and from Brussels
The key objective of this research is to study the modal choice, not only of people residing in Brussels, but also of people commuting towards and out of Brussels:
In a first phase, the notion of modal choice will be approached from a theoretical point of view. This phase of the project will be devoted to elaborating a theoretical framework with regard to modal choice in order to provide a framework for the analyses that will be performed in the next phases, but also to investigate and define how modal choice and the resulting modal split can be measured and compared to other studies. In the second phase, the focus will be on the treatment of the raw data being available on Brussels from the BELDAM survey. This phase will be performed in synergy with the BELDAM project and entails the cleaning of the dataset, as well as the descriptive analyses. In the third phase, the modal choice in, to and from Brussels will be analyzed more in-depth by making longitudinal and cross-sectional comparisons. The focus will be on analyzing the travel flows in, to and from the BCR, the availability and use of different transport modes and the time and effort needed to prepare and make a displacement. Finally, in a fourth phasethe focus will be on the dissemination of the results. A book will be published, bundling the main findings of this project, and a colloquium will be organized in order to make the results knowable among a wider audience, including policy makers, administrations, transport operators, etc.
In the end, the research project will not only be able to generate up to date information on mobility that can be used to take more adequate policy measures, but it will also identify mobility trends, as well as particularities of people travelling in, towards and out of Brussels, providing a broad and general image on Brussels’ mobility.